6 Common Solar Panel Snow Guard Questions

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As a solar panel maintenance and upgrade company, we’re big proponents of the value solar panel snow guard at to solar systems. Snow sliding from panels can be a real concern, and snow guards are an effective solution. There are several questions we often field about snow guards and how they function.

However, answers to common solar panel snow guard questions aren’t as cut-and-dry as one would think. Every project has a different set of variables: roof type, location, snow load, eave length, roof slope, snow management needs or expectations, and more. This is why education plays a key role in the design and build of a project.

Let’s address six of the most common questions we receive to help you gain a better understanding of the role snow guards play in your system.

1. How Many Snow Guards Do I Need for My Project?

This is one of the most common snow guard questions. How many snow guards you’ll need for your project depends on several project-specific factors. These factors include roof type, slope, rafter length, building orientation, and snow load.

Each project is unique. You’ll never want to go off guesses but rather on educated opinions from experienced contractors. This is why it’s important to work with a licensed professional who can calculate your needs for you.

2. Do Snow Guards Keep All the Snow and Ice on the Surface of the Roof?

They don’t. And they’re not supposed to. Snow guards are specifically designed to prevent entire roof loads of snow from avalanching all at once. Small amounts of snow and ice will still melt off in a manageable fashion, protecting pedestrians and property below. 

This accelerates the melting process while preventing large, hazardous deposits of snow and ice from dropping at once.

3. Will the Installation of Snow Guards Prevent Icicles from Forming?

No, icicles are formed from a variety of factors. These include inadequate insulation, air leaks, and improper ventilation that causes a build-up of water between the snow and the roof surface. Snow guards will not prevent icicles from forming. Adequate ventilation is essential to proper roof function, allowing fresh air into the attic, and forcing stale, moist air out. 

If the ventilation isn’t adequate, you can expect common problems like mold, mildew, rust, soggy decking, heavy icicles, ice dams, and water damage to your ceiling. It’s critical to properly ventilate (and insulate) attic spaces to avoid these pitfalls.

If your roof has suffered water damage within its decking and structural beams, it may need to be replaced. If your roof is equipped with solar panels, it’s important to work with a roofing contractor that has expertise in solar systems. Otherwise, they may cause accidental damage when removing the panels for roof work.

4. Who Should Install Solar Panel Snow Guards?

We suggest installation by a licensed and trained professional. Attaching snow guards requires advanced knowledge of the solar system and roofing. Without professional experience, you might risk damaging the system or injuring yourself when handling materials on the roof.

5. When Should Snow Accumulated on the Roof Be Removed?

Snow guards are designed to help keep snow and ice from avalanching off the roof all at once and causing damage or harm to structures, landscaping, vehicles, and people below. When more snow than expected accumulates on the roof, it should be removed, if it can be done so safely and without risk of injury, to avoid damage to the roof, the building structure, and anything below. This is usually not necessary in the Mid-Atlantic region with the exception of an abnormal amount of snowfall. 

It’s important to be aware of the health hazards of moving such heavy snow. Overexertion can cause a range of health problems, including back injuries and heart attacks, so those who aren’t able to safely clear their roofs should call a contractor who has experience in roof snow removal.

6. What Are the Best Snow Guards to Install on My Solar Panels?

This depends on your needs based on the location, roof size, pitch, annual snowfall, etc. For free information on what snow guards would work best for the specific dimensions of your home, reach out to our team today.

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