Solar Maintenance in Philadelphia PA

Keep your solar panel system performing at its optimal capacity with solar panel maintenance in Philadelphia PA. 

Solar Maintenance in Philadelphia PA

Keep your solar panel system performing at its optimal capacity with solar panel maintenance in Philadelphia PA. 

Explore Our Services

Solar Maintenance and Repair

You invested in a solar system to save money and reduce your carbon footprint. However, a damaged system can hinder your energy savings due to decreased efficiency or reduced generation. Solar systems are built to last, but they can still encounter problems such as cracked panels or broken internal cells.

Solar Removal and Reinstallation

If your solar-equipped roof requires significant repairs or a complete replacement, it’s crucial to have a professional team remove your system to avoid interfering with the roof work. After the project is completed, our experts will reinstall your system and ensure it’s up and running smoothly.


Many people make the mistake of relying on their roofing company to handle the removal and reinstallation, but inexperienced contractors can potentially damage your solar system. Without proper electrical training, roofers may create electrical hazards or struggle to reengage your system.

Critter Damage Repair and Critter Guard Installation

One of the unexpected threats to your solar system comes from small critters like squirrels, birds, raccoons, and rats. These creatures can cause significant problems, including chewing wires, scratching panel surfaces, and nesting on panels, obstructing usable space.

Addressing these issues requires two solutions: repairing the existing damage and installing critter guards to prevent further harm. Our knowledgeable team can repair your solar system and install effective critter guards, ensuring your system remains protected.

Roof Repair and Replacement

Your roof plays a vital role in the ecosystem of your home. When it’s damaged, the problems can spread throughout your property. Leaks can damage your attic’s foundation, electrical wiring in your walls, and contribute to mold growth. Repairing a roof equipped with a solar system presents additional challenges, especially for contractors without solar experience.

Leak and System Assessment

If your energy production has decreased but you’re unsure of the cause, a comprehensive leak and system assessment is crucial. Solar panel issues can stem from various sources, and without an expert’s eye, you may overlook the root of the problem.


Our team conducts thorough assessments to understand the condition of your roof and solar system. Our goal is to identify and address small issues before they escalate. With our industry veterans at your service, we diagnose solar panel issues promptly.

Our team conducts comprehensive leak and system assessments to gain a full understanding of your roof and solar system’s condition. Our goal is to prevent minor issues from escalating into more serious ones. With our team of industry veterans at your disposal, we work efficiently to diagnose any solar panel issues.

EV Charger Installation

Electric vehicles have become more affordable and accessible, resulting in an increased need for home EV charging. This allows you to keep your EV ready for your next trip without relying on public charging stations.


Installing an EV charger properly can be challenging without the right expertise. We offer professional EV installation services that seamlessly integrate your charging system with your home’s electricity.

Electrical Troubleshooting and Inverter Repair

The electrical system of your solar panels is essential for optimal energy production. When electrical problems arise, energy generation can come to a halt. Your inverter plays a crucial role in converting Direct Current (DC) electricity to usable Alternating Current (AC) electricity.


Addressing electrical malfunctions without the right expertise can be frustrating. Our team of qualified electricians specializes in troubleshooting and repairing electrical issues, ensuring your system returns to optimal production.

Snow Guard Installation and Weatherproofing

Solar panels are resilient to the elements, but heavy snowfall can pose risks. Falling snow packs can endanger items, people, and animals in your yard when they slide from the smooth surface of the panels.


Snow guards can mitigate this risk by breaking down snow packs into smaller pieces, reducing the danger they pose. Our snow guard installation and weatherproofing services provide peace of mind throughout every season.

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About Us

At Fusion Solar Services, we offer prompt solutions for solar maintenance in Philadelphia PA and the surrounding Mid-Atlantic region. With decades of combined industry experience, we have developed effective methods to address any concerns your solar system may face. By providing proper care, we ensure your system continues generating clean and affordable energy for 20-25 years. From electrical mishaps to damaged panels, our experienced team knows how to help. We also offer upgrade services to enhance your system’s resilience against the elements and critters. Trust Fusion Solar Services to ensure your solar panels generate energy for years to come.

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About Us

At Fusion Solar Services, we offer prompt solutions for solar maintenance in Philadelphia PA and the surrounding Mid-Atlantic region. With decades of combined industry experience, we have developed effective methods to address any concerns your solar system may face. By providing proper care, we ensure your system continues generating clean and affordable energy for 20-25 years. From electrical mishaps to damaged panels, our experienced team knows how to help. We also offer upgrade services to enhance your system’s resilience against the elements and critters. Trust Fusion Solar Services to ensure your solar panels generate energy for years to come.


We understand that entrusting us with your valuable solar system requires trust. Our team takes pride in the positive feedback we have received from our clients. Problem-solving is at the heart of our service, and it’s always a pleasure to successfully resolve challenging issues. Check out the testimonials from our satisfied customers.


Screen Shot

A nice young man came to install a new inverter to replace the one that failed. I just want to let you know he is a worker and a gentleman. He knows his work and is very pleasant. I want to sing his praises and he is an asset to your company. His name is Ethan Rodgriguez. 


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The Fusion crew that came out to do our panel removal on Wednesday were absolute gentlemen. They explained what they were doing, graciously laughed when they handed me the toys they found stuck on the roof, and beautifully organized the panels where we requested.


Screen Shot

Josh was incredibly professional, helpful, and went above and beyond by going through and checking the overall performance of the system to ensure nothing else was needed. I understand jobs can have unexpected obstacles and appreciate you working with me to reschedule and get my issue resolved. Again, Josh was fantastic!


We understand that entrusting us with your valuable solar system requires trust. Our team takes pride in the positive feedback we have received from our clients. Problem-solving is at the heart of our service, and it’s always a pleasure to successfully resolve challenging issues. Check out the testimonials from our satisfied customers.


A nice young man came to install a new inverter to replace the one that failed. I just want to let you know he is a worker and a gentlemen. He knows his work and is very pleasant. I want to sing his praises and he is an asset to your company. His name is Ethan Rodriguez.


Josh was incredibly professional, helpful, and went above and beyond by going through and checking the overall performance of the system to ensure nothing else was needed. I understand jobs can have unexpected obstacles and appreciate you working with me to reschedule and get my issue resolved. Again, Josh was fantastic!


The Fusion crew that came out to do our panel removal on Wednesday were absolute gentlemen. They explained what they were doing, graciously laughed when they handed me the toys they found stuck on the roof, and beautifully organized the panels where we requested.

The Importance of Regular Solar Maintenance in Philadelphia PA

Just like any system in your home, your solar panel system requires regular care. Drains need flushing, appliances require maintenance, and HVAC systems need servicing. Your solar panels are no exception. Although they are designed to be durable and withstand the elements, issues can still arise. Regular solar maintenance can help prevent or mitigate various issues, including:

  • Ensure the system is not obstructed by shade, nests, or debris
  • Conducting health checks on your electrical system and inverter to maximize efficiency
  • Preventing further damage caused by small critters
  • Replacing damaged cells or panels without the need for a full system replacement
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Our Blog

Interested in learning more about solar panel maintenance in Philadelphia PA? Explore our informative blog, where you’ll find articles providing valuable insights into the maintenance process and useful tips.

Our Blog

Interested in learning more about solar panel maintenance in Philadelphia PA? Explore our informative blog, where you’ll find articles providing valuable insights into the maintenance process and useful tips.

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Solar Panels and Inverters We Work On

When you choose a solar panel maintenance company, you want confidence that they can address issues that may be specific to your system. We like to be transparent about what we can accomplish. Our team brings a depth of knowledge to maintenance for a vast array of panels and inverters, including:

  • REC
  • Enphase
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Solar Panels and Inverters We Work On

When you choose a solar panel maintenance company, you want confidence that they can address issues that may be specific to your system. We like to be transparent about what we can accomplish. Our team brings a depth of knowledge to maintenance for a vast array of panels and inverters, including:

  • REC
  • Enphase

Sunny Skies Ahead

Philadelphia PA is expected to enjoy an abundance of sunshine in the upcoming days. However, if your solar system is damaged, you may not be able to fully capitalize on the clear skies. Schedule a solar maintenance appointment in Philadelphia PA and prepare your system to harness the summer sunshine.


Sunny Skies Ahead

Philadelphia PA is expected to enjoy an abundance of sunshine in the upcoming days. However, if your solar system is damaged, you may not be able to fully capitalize on the clear skies. Schedule a solar maintenance appointment in Philadelphia PA and prepare your system to harness the summer sunshine.

Sunny Skies Ahead

Baltimore is projected to get an abundance of sun in the upcoming days. However, if your solar system is damaged, you may not be able to take full advantage of the clear skies. Consider scheduling a solar maintenance appointment in Baltimore and get your system ready to capitalize on the summer sunshine. 


Sunny Skies Ahead

Baltimore is projected to get an abundance of sun in the upcoming days. However, if your solar system is damaged, you may not be able to take full advantage of the clear skies. Consider scheduling a solar maintenance appointment in Baltimore and get your system ready to capitalize on the summer sunshine. 



We take great pride in our craftsmanship and pay attention to every detail on your property and solar system. Below, you can view highlights of recent projects we have completed, giving you a sense of what it’s like to work with our team.


We take great pride in our craftsmanship and pay attention to every detail on your property and solar system. Below, you can view highlights of recent projects we have completed, giving you a sense of what it’s like to work with our team.

Roofing for Solar-Equipped Properties

If you own a solar system, it’s important to choose roofing services tailored to your specific needs. An average roofing contractor may lack the expertise or licensing required for proper solar system removal and reinstallation. That’s why we have integrated roofing services into our business. Not only do we handle all aspects of removal and reinstallation, but we also provide exceptional roof repair and replacement services. With us, you won’t need to coordinate separately with solar removal and roofing contractors, saving you time and hassle.

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Roofing for Solar-Equipped Properties

If you own a solar system, it’s important to choose roofing services tailored to your specific needs. An average roofing contractor may lack the expertise or licensing required for proper solar system removal and reinstallation. That’s why we have integrated roofing services into our business. Not only do we handle all aspects of removal and reinstallation, but we also provide exceptional roof repair and replacement services. With us, you won’t need to coordinate separately with solar removal and roofing contractors, saving you time and hassle.

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A Family of Services

Find all your solar and roofing needs in one place. Fusion Solar Services is proud to be part of the Lumina Solar family of companies. Together with Lumina Solar and Fusion Roof, we guide you through the entire solar process, from installation to maintenance and roof care, ensuring the longevity of your system.

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Lumina Solar

As the leading solar panel installation company in the Mid-Atlantic region, Lumina Solar helps homeowners and businesses achieve their clean energy goals.

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Fusion Solar Services

When your system needs attention, we’ve got you covered. Our meticulous maintenance process ensures the successful resolution of any issues.

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Fusion Roof

For roofs equipped with solar panels, you need a roofing team that understands how to handle them properly.

A Family of Services

Find all your solar and roofing needs in one place. Fusion Solar Services is proud to be part of the Lumina Solar family of companies. Together with Lumina Solar and Fusion Roof, we guide you through the entire solar process, from installation to maintenance and roof care, ensuring the longevity of your system.

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Lumina Solar

As the leading solar panel installation company in the Mid-Atlantic region, Lumina Solar helps homeowners and businesses achieve their clean energy goals.

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Fusion Solar Services

When your system needs attention, we’ve got you covered. Our meticulous maintenance process ensures the successful resolution of any issues.

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Fusion Roof

For roofs equipped with solar panels, you need a roofing team that understands how to handle them properly.

Solar Maintenance in Philadelphia PA That Works for You

At Fusion Solar Services, we have a deep understanding of solar maintenance. It begins with our knowledge of the system’s intricacies and extends to our efficient and professional service for addressing system issues. Our experienced team is ready to help your solar system achieve optimal performance. Contact us today for a free quote.

Solar Maintenance in Philadelphia PA That Works for You

At Fusion Solar Services, we have a deep understanding of solar maintenance. It begins with our knowledge of the system’s intricacies and extends to our efficient and professional service for addressing system issues. Our experienced team is ready to help your solar system achieve optimal performance. Contact us today for a free quote.

Fusion Solar Services

Keep your solar panel system performing at its optimal capacity with solar panel maintenance in Baltimore.

Keep your solar panel system performing at its optimal capacity with solar panel maintenance in Baltimore.

Starting Cost


Expected time to complete

1-2 Hours

You purchased your solar system to help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint. A damaged system can impede your energy savings thanks to a loss of efficiency or reduced generation. Solar systems are durable, but not immune to damage and malfunction. From cracked panels to broken internal cells, there are several problems your system may encounter. 

At Fusion Solar Services, we make solar panel maintenance and repair in Baltimore simple. When your system needs a diagnosis, you need the experts. Our team brings the experience you rely on to handle your valued solar array.